How to convince a property owner to pay a realtor to market their property

First step: Building trust

  • Start by displaying testimonials from past clients praising your services.
  • Share examples of successful marketing campaigns you’ve done for other properties.
  • Explain in detail your plan to market his property. with a focus on the benefits they will receive.

Step two: Demonstrate the value of your services

  • Explain how we can help you sell your property quickly and for the highest possible price.
  • Demonstrate how you use social media and new technologies to attract the largest number of potential buyers.
  • Confirm your ability to save the property owner time and effort.

Step three: Make a tempting offer

  • Offer a comprehensive package of services at a competitive price.
  • Offer flexible payment options.
  • Offer guarantees on campaign results.

Points to emphasize:

  • Experience in real estate marketing.
  • Your knowledge of the local real estate market.
  • Your ability to reach a large audience of potential buyers.
  • You use the latest marketing techniques and tools.
  • Your commitment to providing excellent customer service.

Example of a presentation:

Mr./Mrs. Landlord.

Thank you for your interest in our services. I am a real estate broker with extensive experience in real estate marketing. I offer comprehensive services to help property owners sell their properties quickly and for the highest possible price.

I would like to offer you a comprehensive marketing plan for your property. Including:

  • Create engaging marketing content for real estate. Including high-quality photos and videos.
  • Publish paid ads on social media platforms such as Google Ads, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, Platform X, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp Groups.
  • Connect with potential buyers directly.
  • Organize marketing events to showcase the property.
  • Provide periodic reports on the results of the campaign.

I’m confident that this plan will help you sell your property quickly and for the highest possible price. I’m giving you a special offer of [amount]. Includes all the services listed above.

I’m sure you’ll be happy with the results of the campaign.


[your name]

Real estate broker


  • You can customize this offer to fit your needs and the needs of your landlord.
  • It’s important to be confident in yourself and your skills when presenting.
  • Listen attentively to the property owner’s needs and offer solutions that fit them.

Good luck convincing your landlord!

How to convince a property owner to pay a realtor to market their property

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