Real estate brokerage

العناصر الأساسية لعقد بيع عقار

The basic elements of a real estate sales contract

A real estate sales contract is a binding legal document that outlines the terms of the sale and purchase of real estate between two parties. This contract contains a set of basic elements that guarantee the rights of each party and protect their interests. In this article. We will detail the basic elements that a real estate sales contract should include: 1. Definition of the parties: Full names:...

كيف تميز المشتري الجاد للعقار؟

How do you recognize a serious real estate buyer?

To determine how serious a potential buyer is about buying a property, you can rely on a range of indicators and signs of their true intention to complete the deal. Here are the most important signs: Effective and direct communication: A serious buyer is usually responsive and seeks detailed information about the property. Request a property inspection: Requesting an in-person preview of the...

أسئلة جوهرية لطرحها على المشتري لفهم احتياجاته العقارية

Essential questions to ask a buyer to understand their real estate needs

When dealing with a client looking to buy real estate, asking the right questions is the key to finding the perfect property that meets their expectations. Here are five key questions a broker should ask to clearly understand a buyer's needs: What are the basic needs you look for in real estate? This question aims to determine the nature of the desired property, whether it is a family...

أي منصة أفضل للإعلانات المدفوعة لتسويق العقارات في السعودية: سناب شات، تيك توك، أو تويتر؟

Which platform is better for paid advertising for real estate marketing in Saudi Arabia: Snapchat. TikTok or Twitter?

Choosing the ideal paid advertising platform for marketing real estate in Saudi Arabia depends largely on several factors. Including: Target audience: Snapchat: It is a popular platform among teens and young adults. which makes it suitable for marketing residential projects geared towards this age group. TikTok: It is popular among all age groups, especially the younger generation. especially...

فوائد تصميم مقاطع الموشن جرافيكس في تسويق العقارات

Irresistible attraction: Benefits of designing motion graphics clips in real estate marketing

In a world where the pulse of technology is accelerating and the rules of the marketing game are constantly changing. Standing out from the competition becomes an imperative for success. In the midst of this hustle and bustle. Motion Graphics has emerged as a revolutionary tool that allows real estate marketers to revolutionize their strategies. and capture the attention of a wide audience of potential...

The importance of choosing the location of the land to build a successful residential building in Jeddah

Jeddah The second largest city in Saudi Arabia. an important commercial and tourist center. This makes it an attractive destination for residential real estate construction and apartment sales. But, to ensure the success of your real estate project in Jeddah. It's not enough just to choose an attractive design for architecture. Choosing the right land location is a critical factor in maximizing return on...

Tips to avoid rent hikes when renting a property for a new business

Renting a property for a new business is an important decision that requires careful planning and consideration. As the demand for commercial real estate increases. Tenants may face the risk of significantly higher rents in the future. This could jeopardize their projects. So, so Here are some tips to help you avoid this issue when signing your lease: 1. Clearly state the duration of the lease:...

How to convince a property owner to pay a realtor to market their property

First step: Building trust Start by displaying testimonials from past clients praising your services. Share examples of successful marketing campaigns you've done for other properties. Explain in detail your plan to market his property. with a focus on the benefits they will receive. Step two: Demonstrate the value of your services Explain how we can help you sell your property quickly and...

How much of your sales commission do you spend on marketing real estate?

How much should a real estate broker spend in marketing a property and in paid advertising out of the total expected commission after the sale? There is no hard and fast rule on how much a real estate broker should spend on marketing a property. It depends on several factors. Include: Type of drug: Luxury properties typically require a larger marketing budget than more affordable properties....

Fraud in the sale or lease of real estate: Detailed explanation with examples and details

Introduction: Gharar is an important concept in Islamic jurisprudence. Especially when it comes to sales and leasing transactions. Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade selling a pebble. And against the sale of gharar" - Narrated by Muslim. What is Gharar? In the language: danger or uncertainty. There's no telling how...

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