February 2024

The income approach to real estate valuation: Comprehensive analysis with real-life examples

Introduction: The income method is one of the most important methods used to value investment properties. It is based on analyzing the operating income that a property generates after deducting all expenses and expenses. This method aims to estimate the capital value of a property based on its ability to generate cash flows for investors. Steps for valuing real estate using the income approach: 1....

How much of your sales commission do you spend on marketing real estate?

How much should a real estate broker spend in marketing a property and in paid advertising out of the total expected commission after the sale? There is no hard and fast rule on how much a real estate broker should spend on marketing a property. It depends on several factors. Include: Type of drug: Luxury properties typically require a larger marketing budget than more affordable properties....

Fraud in the sale or lease of real estate: Detailed explanation with examples and details

Introduction: Gharar is an important concept in Islamic jurisprudence. Especially when it comes to sales and leasing transactions. Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade selling a pebble. And against the sale of gharar" - Narrated by Muslim. What is Gharar? In the language: danger or uncertainty. There's no telling how...

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